
Showing posts from August, 2021

Why I Write My Prayers Down

My mother taught us when we were little,  this is how you pray: Hands together, eyes closed Knees bowed and head low.  I often squirmed, as little girls are prone,  ran out of words to say and called it a day. But lately I've been praying with my eyes wide open  Phone in my hand and snack in the other.  He took me by the hand once,  lead me to the window...  "What do you see?"  How beautiful is the world you've made The critters and the dirt Even the rain Surely a God that can do all this, create such beauty With mere word from His lips Surely He can do a great work in me Surely I am blind and yet to see What He has in his mind for me The wind and the birds, they whisper, call out to me Trying to rouse me out of sleep Surely my honor will be greater than the trees  Who dance and delight in the breeze Their branches hang low with bounteous fruit They are well-watered from the root.  Surely their gardener will not me uproot Surely He will ...

Imaginary Pen Pal - Pt. 2

December 17, 1965 Dear L It seems I am slowly losing my mind One neuron at a time  It's no wonder you've been gone so long There is so little to do here, nothing to see Least of all me.  Dear L The last time we spoke, You gave me a rose Had I known,  That its petals would fall before you came home  Then I wouldn't have thrown it out so carelessly.  When I walk past the field, it amazes me  How summer's leaves have dried and died Two full cycles of death and life have completed before you and I locked eyes.  Sincerely, S Go to : Imaginary Pen Pal Pt 1

Fear Less

courage / ˈkʌrɪdʒ / Learn to pronounce noun the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery. "she called on all her courage to face the ordeal" strength in the face of pain or grief. "he fought his illness with great courage" The word of the day is courage  And let me tell you I hate this word. Courage, you see is much too heavy Who'd have thought seven little letters could weigh so much? Most days, all I manage to carry is - rage  I've simply no pockets left for courage Frankly, it takes too much room Of courage, there never seems to be enough  And on the rare occasion it fills my cup,  by morning it's all used up.  It isn't the courage to rise, or that to live or that to breathe or that to dream which hinders me.  It's courage again and courage once more.  It’s courage afresh and courage anew. Yesterday's batch just won't do.  And I'm so very close to letting go, giving in to fear To fall into despair.  Then comes a persist...

Imaginary Pen Pal

  January 16, 1965 Dear L It is quiet here, though much is spoken Little is said I keep all my thoughts in my head,  though I'm afraid they'll forget their way out.  That is..  until Thursday comes around when I sit down, hug my knees to my chest and write to you. You remind me of everything true.  I liked the days when we'd twirl  under the moon. Or sometimes the street light. But for your nearness, there is no substitute Tell me you'll be back soon. Dear L I wish I could play you the flute. It's something to pass the time on a summer afternoon  Yesterday I blew a popular tune  and hoped it would find it's way to you.  If nothing else, we'll always have jazz If no one to talk to, Billie Holiday understands  I am growing impatient with myself I've read every book on my shelf I tire of them all, of it all so much  I'm ready to publish my own. Will you read it? But to do so you'd have to come home .  Sincerely, S ...
Forecast: dusk till dawn Another poem? Yes, pour a round for the table...  It is decadent to the taste.  We are rocking back and forth Our glasses clinking together  Intoxicated with the promise of more The twinkle in our eyes suggests We know something we shouldn't  Another verse?  Sure, one more for the road Then I'm headed home But it’s no use I'm driving under the influence Of Rhyme and Coke My steps are stumbling Or maybe everyone else is crooked I see colors no one else can see And the roses stop to smell me  My words are blurring together  And I think,  Icouldstaylikethisforever But every now and then I go too far And wind up on the floor Composition book still clutched in my hand I am split in half and can no longer walk Another piece?  It is here when I am about to descend  into a deep sleep Deadly and sweet The kind you never want to end,  that I find my feet And say no. No more.  Until next weekend...  ...

Conversations in a deserted diner..

a fantasy, I'm sure Your smile is like pleasant reward...  In the cold and unforgiving storm  I've never felt more warm In the smoldering summer days  You are a sip of cold water...  As cool as the old-time jazz   favoured by my father