Imaginary Pen Pal - Pt. 2

December 17, 1965
Dear L

It seems I am slowly losing my mind

One neuron at a time 

It's no wonder you've been gone so long

There is so little to do here, nothing to see

Least of all me. 

Dear L

The last time we spoke,

You gave me a rose

Had I known, 

That its petals would fall before you came home 

Then I wouldn't have thrown it out so carelessly. 

When I walk past the field, it amazes me 

How summer's leaves have dried and died

Two full cycles of death and life

have completed before you and I
locked eyes. 

Sincerely, S

Go to :


  1. I love this poignant tale!
    Thanks for sharing it with Poets and Storytellers United. As you came fairly late to that prompt, it's possible not many will notice. Please don't let that discourage you! There will be new opportunities for sharing every Wednesday (to specific prompts) and Sunday (open).

    1. Thank you for your feedback, I nearly chickened out of participating. But I've set a new rule for myself, to never take back the stroke of my pen. I'm super excited!

  2. Nicely told the tale of longing.
    Happy you dropped by to read mine


    1. Thank you ❤️✨ I thoughts yours very refreshing and *cool*, as the kids say.

  3. Loss is a terrible thing, especially when we think that we could've made things better. There is so much longing here...

    1. Thank you ❤️ I tried to capture it honorably


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