
Showing posts from March, 2023

Evening Stroll

And I let despair take a mean walk through a seedy neighborhood Where nothing good had ever frequented...  Where staccato steps rang on the concrete The street hush with bated breath And the chiming of a broken swing set Still warm with children Holding on with sticky fingers before their mothers bid them inside  Startled by sounds of gunfire And even further, where the sky glowed An ominous red And in the air echoed the soft strings of death And further still Where the floor was lava and the eyes that followed were no longer that of men And crawled finally, into the belly  Of a fork-tongued beast At the end of it all, my despair  Was no more

Divine Shoulders

Her heaven was the crevice  Between his shoulders,  Whenever he would hold her.  She could sit there for millenia Beneath the patterned brow And ruminate how  seamlessly she fit She didn't have to bend, contort and twist Her frame Or follow a script  Truth be told,  She'd never had the stomach for love Its bloody guts and grimy parts Left a sticky residue all over her heart  But if she tried, she might've recognized  The sweetness in the air as bliss The warmth in his arms as home

His Eyes Have Teeth

But when a man drapes "pretty"  around your neck like a charm Dazzling string of pearls  Listen closely for the price beneath his words Every time he calls me beautiful,  he takes something away He captures my worth in his palm For me to chase He puts me on a pedestal I can't escape  His praise is nothing but a pretty cage To be invisible is freedom To be plain, a blessing  The average girls get to have all the fun Posing and posturing for no one Oh, you like it how I turn just so.. But my innermost thoughts go unknown I'd rather be respected  Than chewed and dissected