A Different Story

I know I said I was doing well

That all the jagged pieces were falling into place 

But I grew tired of polishing my mirror 

When what I truly yearned for was a different face.

Here's what happened... 

I'd finished my book, the epic adventure east
The journey north

the story of my life etched in A4

I took a good long look at it...

And all at once, longed for more

A different story. 

To sing a new melody 

Here's what happened.. 

I had ten new pieces ready to be published 

And then this thought:

Were they actually new, or just the same old words given different shape? 

Some underlined with sharpie, 

some draped in italics or shouted in bold. 

Suddenly it wasn't enough just to fill the pages...

But to transform them. 
