When I Grow Up
I wish life was as simple and complicated as 18
Sweet little thing, unsteady on my feet.
A mouthful of baby teeth
I couldn't fix to speak.
Warm bag of bones, lulled to sleep.
Tossed around like an infant,
I wore wisdom and philosophy
like a safety blanket.
Took myself way too seriously.
When in reality, my daily conflicts were whether I should wear a crop top or a tee.
Or how to get that boy to notice me.
I don't invalidate that girl, it was a difficult time
Plagued by the question, who am I?
I never ever imagined that having all the answers would leave me unsatisfied
I hold no such notions now.
Maybe I've outgrown poetry
and the endless quest for more
I miss the shock of pain,
the violent ripping of the floor
from under me.
I have grown too familiar with misery.
Once, everything was sharp and raw
But I've been there, seen it all before
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