Your Time Is Coming
I heard it whispered in the corn fields
Greying women with aching backs
Who, at the mention of the news,
lift the corners of their mouths a crack
All at once they begin to clap.
A shift in the breeze,
says one
A humming in the forest trees,
chimes another
A fragrance of something to come,
chanting at once
A voice carried in the Southern wind,
cries one
A wink of light over the horizon,
sighs another
The tremble of giant footsteps,
shouting altogether
No one could agree on what they had seen
But they were certain of one thing.
A change was coming.
A call to order
A cosmic gathering
These women, our great grandmothers mothers stood amongst the flowers
Envisioning the life that would someday be ours
A culmination of their prayers and wildest dreams
Answered in you and me
We are the blossoming of a 1000 year old seed
the slaying of an ancient foe...
The fusion of target and arrow
A harvest fully ripened and sweet
A long appointed meeting...
Have a seat, we apologize for the delay,
Your time is coming.
Artist featured : ameyasrealm
This is soooo beautiful! Thank you for birthing this piece ❤