You never used duct tape to make me quiet
The words " shut up " went unspoken.
You didn't need an iron grip to keep me still
But you've always liked me better when I was silent
Found me prettier with my mouth closed
Any words I spoke shrank you like a stone
You became so cold
A distant place, no longer home.
That's how you keep me under your control
...speak over me in attempt to smother my voice
And pretend it is my choice.
You nod in approval when I am tight lipped
You tell me the world is easier to swallow with my mouth zipped
You treat my opinions like weapons
My honesty it threatens, your calm facade
My 2 cents land like hand grenades
My breath sharpens like knives
The echoes of my mind, slice through the air like a blade
I've learned to scream without making a sound
Sometimes I can't sleep at night because the quiet is so loud.
PS. : I often wonder, should I have a child...if I will smother her cries in the night, and is doing so for my benefit or hers? If hush little baby are truly loving words, and what if all she needed was to be heard?
I must say a real insight into the psyche. Great!