This Is For Me

"I'm not a writer because I write. I write because I'm a writer."


I forgot for a moment, that this is what Iove to do. Not for praise, nor for accolade. Not to save the world one rhyme at a time, not to relate to anyone. These words are first and foremost mine, dripping from my lips, ready at my fingertips. For others it is bow and string, paint and canvas, others glide and twirl or sing like birds. 

I am good with words. It is achingly simple, unexceptional in its complexity. 

I don't have much, but I get this. To keep. To cherish and to wield. Moments where I say the exact right thing someone needs to hear, at the exact right moment. Moments where that someone is me. And something like a key slides in place, a hidden door opened. 

What traces I leave behind you are welcome to keep...but this one, this one's for me. 
