
It seems a world has gone by in a matter of months

October a blink, November a whirl 

I am still dizzy with the momentum of it all

I haven't had a chance to write 

the way I am clamoring for rope, clinging for life

My hands have slipped and found no purchase 

Everything is so solid here, unyielding 

It's funny, now that I am embarking on life as is expected of me

I feel less alive, than I did then

It's not until I hit the cold hard ground that I realized I'd been floating 

I didn't know I was on fire until I saw the smoking

It is an effort. Staying aground, 

All those nights I fought to shake off 

The weight about me and be free

Now it is a hardship remaining on my feet 

For poetry sits about me, like a set of wings

Not floating in fantasy 

But with eyes wide open. 

I see so clearly the beauty in every living thing 

It dances on my skin, 

and I am more alive and alert than I've
ever been 

And when I rise to my feet, ready to face the day

This, I think, is what it means to sleep

I've always been more awake in my dreams 
