Blackness : A Praise Song

To be spun from wires so delicate 

Forged in fire so elegant 

Skin like decadent dessert

On other days, like grimy dirt 

That covers the earth 

like blanket :

My blackness... 

Is a memorial of

those who fell before me 

A celebration of those yet to be

My blackness is a race, an elite team

Of athletic grace, 

in which I get placed 

Simply that I participate.

It's a language too, not every nod means I agree with you

Sometimes I shake my head in admiration

Oh and how we dance, 

almost absently,

like we're unaware we're doing it

Tap a rhythm with our feet, 

grind a beat with our teeth

Shoulders thrown back, 

And shimmy shimmy shimmy 

Swagger and sway our hips

just walking down the street. 

It's a weapon too, for those intimidated 
by our differences

In these instances we're expected to shrink to digestible size

And for our boldness apologize

For to be black and unapologetic

Are two offences at once. 

We are like people of the sun, who know no shade

But despair not when it finally sets

For we howl at the moon too... 

And what have you to be afraid of 

When the night looks like you? 

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