Forecast: the first tendrils of light at daybreak 

Where is the monster I made out of you?

The slimy shadows I cast on you... 

I've built you up so much in my head

The proverbial monster under my bed. 

A terrifying menace

A salivating savage

I have the bite marks to prove it. 

I've spent so long running, 
escaping your breath on my neck

Finally you've caught up to me

With dazzling smile and teeth, 
not fangs
Instead of sharp talons, perfectly manicured hands

The booming roar I waited for, 
quelled by soothing voice

It's funny, this frightens me more

I am no longer sure who I am fighting and what for

The big, bad evil that haunted me all those nights

Soft, human, just like me
You bleed just as I bleed
You've got the scars to prove it. 

And how I want you to bleed. 
To sink my teeth 
where it hurts most
To bring you to your knees in an heroic clash 
between good and evil 

But here there are no heroes or fiends
Just two human beings
No less no more. 
As fickle as the autumn leaves 
Whose love is seasonal... 
Yielding, swaying to the breeze

Monsters aren't real
But we are. 

You hurt me
So devastatingly
Long ago

But you're not the jerk I painted
The wicked creature of ancient legend
To someone you are brother, 
son, friend, lover

And I forgive you, for not resembling 
all I needed you to be. 
And I forgive myself, 
for not knowing the difference. 


  1. a great piece of writing. emotional, yes, but also rational in thought.
    "Monsters aren't real
    But we are.
    " : yes, sometimes monsters reside in ourselves.

    1. Very well said ❤️ Thank you for stopping by

  2. Ah yes we do need to forgive ourselves too.

    Good Sunday


    1. Thank you Gillena, well said. I appreciate the visit ❤️

  3. Dear Neledi, this is my latest favorite by you. I love what it says about relationships and perception. Monstrosity looks so very different after we look closer at the monster, after we compare said creature with ourselves, after we see how they see us. The last stanza will stay with me for a very long while...

    1. Thank you so much Magaly ❤️ Very well said. I think when we confront our fears they don’t live up to the shapes we've given them, and this is certainly true with people.

  4. Wow. So much goes on in our head, builds up. I'm glad you can see a fuller picture, the good and bad exist together. Monsters under the bed is such a unviersal fear.

    1. Thank you Colleen, it's taken so long ❤️

  5. Ah yes, we get so caught up in our own fictions. It is only later – if ever – that we can take a more dispassionate look.

    1. Very true, I often think of our memory as literature. We're always rewriting our history... Thank you for the visit, Rosemary.

  6. Life and people can be very disappointing but them we can write poems about it:)

    1. That does sound like a fair trade...

  7. It's always nice when monsters turn out not to be monsters after all -- not malevolent, just imperfect.

    1. Whew, and what a humbling experience it is. Thank you ❤️

  8. I love the honesty and wisdom here. In the heat of the moment, our emotions are way too good at creating intense impressions, especially when we are young and everything feels so big. At 49 I look at the way I felt about some things when I was 15 and I have to chuckle a bit about how perspective really changes the way some memories hit.

  9. Naledi, the poem is so beautiful and the perspective so true. You have composed it so well. This is going to remain with me

  10. Nice to put old monsters to rest, and pray for no reprise!


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