A Timeless Tail - Pt. 2

When I am embittered by the ills that be 

I lick my paws, stretch my limbs 

Run across valley and hill

To see the sad girl watch. 

It is a day of endless pursuit 

On my way, I encounter delicious prey

But no such pleasures thrill me more

Than seeing the sad girl watch. 

It's getting dark

The owl has come out of hiding 

And I worry I'm too late. 

Still I run. 

To see the sad girl watch

There she is!

A warm and lonely figure

Beneath the setting sun 

She sits with a simple grace

Oh what I’d give to taste 

The look of awe on her face

The wisdom in that gaze. 

It's why I run here

Same time same place. 

We never speak 

She and I 

But ever so rarely 

She looks me in the eye

I'd like to think in understanding 

I'd like to think in careful smile

And then she's gone

In a flash of curly hair. 

I'd like to think she waits for me. 

That when she is embittered by the ills that be 

She hikes across forest and field 

To see the pale fox run. 
