Forecast: near sunset
After careful examination, I've determined that I have a heavy case of the human condition. The ugly thing that lay dormant in each of us, kept hidden under civilization and clothing.
Right now it makes no effort to hide, peering at me with cruel intention. And it's in this instance that I realize its face is my own. The imaginary line I made between beast and man is translucent. I find myself falling over it more often than I prefer.
It's not what you want to hear, is it? That the only difference between yourself and the worst person alive is but a series of choices, a nudge...just the right amount of pressure.
I do not kill. I do not steal. But in me was such promise. The same promise held in every manner of beast, awakened or asleep. Was I fool enough to think myself better because I didn't answer its call?
I did not kill. I did not steal. But I tensed, I ground my teeth. I very near howled at the moon.
How could I call myself good? How could I have ever thought myself true?
I yearn to be good...I pray so endlessly. It's in this stance, kneeling by my bedside, that I realize I am on all-fours. No longer man.
Something more. Something more.
The beast still calls my name.
But I don't answer to that anymore.
There on the floor, where I kneel
Is the grand reveal.
I'll share it with you, just between us creatures
It starts with someone named Jesus.
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