Do Not Go Gentle

"Do not go gentle into that good night Rage, rage against the dying of the light" - Dylan Thomas ~~~ It's in the wee hours of a Sunday night that I power up my laptop, and after a moment's hesitation, type "Writing prompts for a blogger" into Google search. I should feel ashamed for stealing, but I'm not. I tell myself I only need a peek and if genuine inspiration occured...then it didn't really count. I tell myself the internet was teeming with ideas, so nothing was truly original anyway. I remind myself of the full year I struggled to fill a blank screen and a tiny Kilmonger began yelling in my head: "Is this yo' DREAM?" I should feel ashamed for doubting myself, for typing it, but I'm not. The only thing that shames me is that it took only a moment's hesitation for my fingers to start tapping away. For Kilmonger to win. Next time I'll take two moments. And a meditation session. And a lengthy cup ...