Finding myself

Two years ago...

Finding myself.
That phrase again. You're more than welcome to insert an eyeroll here. I had it coming.
But screw you because it's almost my personal mantra at this point. Almost, because within it lies the implication that I've lost myself.
Like, lost me.
Way too light a word in reference to a live human being. Sure, you might misplace a pair of glasses, of which you might describe to your friends and family, whom you'll enlist to help you search.
Does a human being follow the same protocol?
Maybe a missing poster?
WANTED: Me, with added wisdom and peace (preferably alive)
Which brings me to my next conclusion:
I've never had me


  1. I think that's the truth with many human beings ,me included. We are all searching for ourselves.

    1. Hi Jossina. I am on an involuntary hiatus, but I write inwardly everyday. Until I return, know that your words encourage me and weigh so much in my pocket where I keep them.


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