Every little girl remembers her very first Barbie doll. Be it a princess, a model...the rules were : Blonde, slim, blue-eyed. Everything you're not, packaged and available in stores near you.
Now don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with the colour pink and discussing the importance of shoes. But note:
Ever seen a Barbie rocking a lab coat? A graduation tassel?
If we want to find the root of female inferiority, pointing at males isn't going to solve anything. Instead, there's a blue-eyed culprit plotting from within your daughter's toy box. For years she's poisoned little girls into thinking her beauty is the benchmark of perfection, we are only to be seen and desired, that girls are to focus on their hair, their nails, their bodies and clothes. I mean, sure. Why not? Let the boys do the heavy lifting and the world-conquering. It's not as if they've made a mess of it thus far (I'm looking at you, Hitler).
Not that there's anything wrong with looking our best. But when how you look is your best attribute, there's no word in the dictionary to capture that tragedy.
So parents, next time you tell Amanda 'Go play with your doll, I'll be right back'...don't be surprised when she starts padding her bra at 13.
Female attributes are to be admired, sure (I mean LOOK at us)...not objectified. But if you insist, let's go big and objectify them all. #AllAttributesMatter. So let's include female strength, brilliance, intellect.
When I raise my own Amanda (faith talk), I'll skip the Barbie aisle and grab her a book. What better way to 'accessorize' her thoughts, 'accentuate' her intellect?
Because that's the kind of beauty that lasts after trends have faded, years have passed and curves have sagged. Her soul will still be fleeking.

#BarbieMustFall #SoulOnFleek #AllAssetsMatter #DoctorBarbie #AfroBarbie #BrownEyeBarbie #FemaleHitler
