
Showing posts from January, 2025

Send Me A Letter

Letters, to me, have always been a kind of currency. I feel *rich*  when I hold a letter. Someone's heart and thoughts poured out on paper, for me to explore and hold with care. It’s all about connection. How a string of words can join two souls across the world, across colour, culture and creed. I know how heavy and costly a simple sheet of paper can be. So, if you ever need to scream quietly  or share a theory, lament about the weather... Maybe you just want to shout into the abyss and know someone is listening. Or talk just to talk and delight in the echo of your own voice.  Here is a chamber with very few walls: Write me a letter, and I promise to hold it with care. Send me a letter, and my own will be halfway there. 

Welcome Home

There's a beast living inside the walls Of my home It feasts on misery, and the tears We muffle in our sleep But what it particularly likes to eat Is ice cold fear It is always hungry, and we are always empty scrambling to keep it satisfied I dare not ponder if it ever had my eyes If its gruesome fangs were once a smile What is an gaping hole that needs needs needs If not a broken soul who bleeds bleeds bleeds?  We shrivel up, cold and defeated Crawling beneath the debris It hugs our feet and says welcome home - The cycle of abuse is complete.