"Let's Make A Wager"
"Inspired by the artistic talents of Troy Bolton and a T-shirt" It was a clear day, many recalled, and correctly so. The grass was sickly green, forcing one to avert their gaze to the sky, only to find a similar sight. The world was set at its brightest setting, as though there a were a man…no, perhaps an entire team of people controlling the picture we saw to the finest detail. A golf course, we begin to understand and visibly relax now that the sharp green is given explanation. A clear day, a blue sky and green grass. Our recollection would end there if not for a pounding rhythm, footsteps. A figure clad in black, stomps on the manicured lawn, the first and much welcome sign of chaos in the scenery. Coming to a pause on the hill, the figure begins to sing, “Everybody’s always talking at me, everybody's tryna get in my head…” W e find we already know the words. Granted, we can’t rule out the possibility that we’ve recollected the scene one too many times. Still, there’s ...